2025 International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Engineers

The multiple topics of interest include, but are not limited to: The aim of ICABE2025 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Agricultural Engineering and Bioengineering. It provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. Papers Submission Email: eiei2012@163.com

Topics include but are not limited to the followings:

Agricultural Equipment and Mechanization

Agricultural and Mechanical Engineering

Agricultural engineering

Food Science and Engineering

Processing and Storage of Agricultural and Sideline Products

Food Science and Nutrition Engineering

Food Safety and Health

Agricultural Economy

Design out waste

Regenerate natural systems

Provide economic benefits

Agricultural Ecology

are more resilient and in harmony with Earth’s ecosystems

land Resource Management

Soil and Water Engineering

Streambank Erosion, Sediment Dynamics and Restoration

Monitoring, Modeling and Case Studies

Stream bank erosion, stabilization, restoration, and reclamation projects

Channel aggradation/degradation

Impacts on flood frequency, nutrient transport, biodiversity, recreation

Sediment source characterization

Agricultural Information and Electrification

Preferential Flow and Piping (PFP) in Riparian Buffers

Modeling PFP & Impacts of PFP

Computer Modeling and Statistics for Agriculture

The internet of things and statistical analysis on smart farms

Advances in simulation and modeling for analysis and decision-making

Parallel and distributed simulation methods for crop monitoring and pest control

Decision-making with advanced computer modeling and statistical approaches

Statistical modeling for precision agriculture

The convergence of artificial intelligence with statistical modeling for enhanced prediction and decision-making

Quality control and production improvement with computer modeling

Big data with statistical modeling to enhance agricultural productivity

Sustainable computer models and innovations for agriculture

Modeling sensor data to obtain useful information for agriculture

Computer modeling

Effectiveness of Agricultural Conservation Practices on Water Pollutant Reduction



Environmental Science and Engineering

Resource and Environment Information Engineering

Life science and Technology

and related topics

Important Date

  • Conference Date 8/30-31/2025

  • Submission Deadline 2/28/2025

  • First Decision about 3/30/2025

  • Final Acceptance 4/30/2025

Journals Indexing

  • Web of Science (SCI)

  • EI Compendex (EI)

  • Scopus

  • Google and Google Scholar



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